Ixopo Advice Office

Tel: 039 834 2169


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Bazamile Magubane and Judith Caluza. Bazamile has worked at the advice office since 2006, while Judith joined in 2014. They both have a paralegal diploma from the University of Natal, as well as a SAQA-accredited Certificate in Paralegal Studies.

Local Municipality:

Ubuhlebezwe (Southern KwaZulu-Natal)

Municipal Population and Area:

108 600 people; 1 604 square kilometres

Areas Served:

The office reaches the town of Ixopo and the surrounding communities of Lufafa, Fairview, Mashakeni, Mariathal, Carrisbrook, Hopewell, Mahehle, Ncakubana, Nokweja, Amazabeko, Bovini, Jolivet, Highflats, Springvale, Kwathathani, Hlokozi, Nhlangwin, Umgodi, Nhlalwane, Creighton, Masamini, Donnybrook and Umzimkulu. There are many farms in the area, mainly dairy.



Ixopo Paralegal Judith Caluza

Ixopo is located 85 km south of Pietermaritzburg and has a population of approximately 12,500 people. The office is based at the local Magistrate Court.

According to the most recent census, the population of the Ubuhlebezwe Local Municipality is 108 600. The unemployment rate is 34% and youth unemployment stands at 42%. 

Infrastructure is poor: only one in eight of homes has piped water and just over half have electricity, while 7 in 10 dwellings are informal. Only one in five people possess a Matric qualification. The population is relatively young, with over a third of people aged under 18, while only one in twenty are over 65.

Ixopo Support Centre

Ixopo Advice Office

The main economic sectors in the area are farms (mainly dairy) and government, which is helped by the fact that Ixopo is the administrative centre of the Harry Gwala District Municipality. There are many small businesses such as grocers and clothes shops, and tourism is a further source of employment.

In 2021 the advice office attended to 522 new cases, with the  majority involving gender-based violence. Other issues were disputes between neighbours and non-domestic harassment. Staff successfully resolved 211 cases through mediations and helped 132 clients to obtain protection orders. They also helped 37 people to claim their financial rights such as pensions and compensation claims, amounting to R 224,000.

Interview with Judith Caluza: 

What led you to become a paralegal?

I became a paralegal because I enjoy assisting the community in resolving their problems. I joined the paralegal sector in 2001 when I worked for the organization CLRDC, and I joined CCJD in 2014.

What are the most common cases that you deal with?

Domestic violence and legal advice issues are the most common cases in our office. Unemployment and alcohol abuse are the main contributing factors.

How do you deal with these cases?

I assist them with mediations and protection order applications to resolve their domestic violence problems.

Is there any law you would like to change?

I am always worried about the child support grant because the mothers use it for their needs such as beauty instead of the children and the children are taken care of by their grandparents. I will be happy if the grant can be removed from the mothers.

Would you say people’s attitudes and behavior are starting to change? If so, how?

Yes, people have changed their behavior. They now know their rights and report when those rights are being violated.

Who are your role models and why?

My role model is my mother. She raised four children on her own as a single parent. She was always there for us and she made sure that we all went to school and all have Matric. She was always telling us not to depend on someone else.

Please describe a case that you found particularly rewarding or difficult.

It is not nice to see parents being abused by children. We have those cases where an old person is being abused physically, emotionally and psychologically by a very young person. We see them crying and don’t know what to do with those children. Sometimes the parents of that particular child have passed away and the grandparent should play the parent role yet he/she is being abused.

What are the biggest challenges that you face in your work?

The most challenge is to listen to abused people almost every day and I sometimes feel stressed and take their problems as if they are mine.

What role do traditional customs play in your work?

We respect traditional leaders but all people should follow the law and the constitution.

What advice would you give children growing up in Ixopo?

I will tell them to stay away from drugs and always keep education as the first priority.

Interview with Bazamile Magubane

How long have you worked for the advice office?

Since 2006

What led you to become a paralegal?

I knew it was a company that works with the community. I wanted to help people and love to work with people.

What are the most common cases that your clients come to you with? How do you deal with those cases?

They are domestic violence cases. We use mediation and protection orders. I would say that protection orders work about 50% of the time. They have bad effects sometimes and can help lead to divorce. Mediation usually works, but not all the time.

Is there any law you would like to change?

I would change the customary law of lobola. I feel domestic violence is started by lobola. Men think they can rule and control their wives as a result of having paid lobola. When a man abuses his wife, he thinks that wife is his property and he has the right to do whatever he wants. He feels ‘How can she complain when I have paid for her?’

What role do traditional customs play in your work?

We don’t deal with cases using those customs. We just tell clients their rights according to the law. If they don’t want to use the law, we refer them to the traditional courts.
Would you say people’s attitudes and behaviour are starting to change?
Yes. Some men change after mediation when they learn that women also have rights.

Who are your role models?

My role model is my honourable director Winnie Kubayi. The way she takes her work seriously, respects her employees, the effort she makes to make us happy, and how strong she is.

Can you describe a case that you found particularly rewarding or difficult?

There is a type of case: when I have intervened in a case of serious domestic violence and done a follow-up and I find out that I have made changes in that house. Then I feel great and honoured.

What are the biggest challenges that you face in your work?

The biggest challenge is transport. The police are helpful but can’t always assist us as they are themselves short of vehicles. As a result we sometimes come two hours late to appointments. This undermines our standing in the community. 

What advice would you give children growing up in Ixopo?

Children should be aware that they have responsibilities as well as rights. They should be aware of drugs – some children start trying them from age nine. They should respect their parents. For example some children call the police to report their parents instead of listening to them.